Comment 97933

By bvbborussia (registered) | Posted February 26, 2014 at 08:53:26 in reply to Comment 97920

Fantastic photos. Anyone who argues that the the B Line is elitist is either crazy or being deliberately deceptive. The reason why nobody wants to support this thing is because nobody wants to see a $1B being poured into lower city Hamilton.

Here are some of the reasons why: they're poor, don't vote in large numbers, have no political affiliations, don't donate to political parties, are new immigrants, have no voice in media and generally accustomed to getting the short end of the stick when it comes to these sorts of things.

Poor people, right or wrong are generally passed over when it comes to these sorts of projects. Not just in Hamilton, all over this country and the world as well. Just look at Toronto whose subway system is wholly inadequate for a city of its size but whose last extension was made along Shepherd. That decision was made to allow for luxury high condo development and almost nothing to do with getting people around better.

I can't see any politician - at any level - sticking their neck out to get a major infrastructure project like this done in lower Hamilton. I often read about how HSR buses along the B Line drive past riders because their too full. Trust me, nobody in power cares if this is the case. They can wait to catch the next the one.

This is the reality that's playing out before us.

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