Comment 97924

By Joshua (registered) | Posted February 25, 2014 at 16:26:59 in reply to Comment 97894

Precisely. 'Who cares...'? The measure of a society's worth is the measure it takes to care for the poorest. Care has to begin there, moving from the bottom upward.

The effects of automobiles on pollution, with NO and VOCs in the atmosphere, are well-known. It's obviously affecting our climate and--I don't know about you--I'm not getting any fonder of a frigid winter that's stretching further into spring. (I know: it's not very 'Canadian'.) For the sake of those standing at bus-stops, freezing their extremities, can we get a transit system that works for everyone and everything?

Here's something interesting:

Our Planning Supervisor sends the following response to your inquiry:

During the Weekday afternoon peak hour, 185 buses (159 standard, 22 articulated and 4 small) are assigned to provide the scheduled service and the school extra service. This results in a local transit capacity of 9800 passengers at any given point in time during the subject hour. If all residents shifted their trips onto public transit, the existing HSR system would not be able to accommodate the demand. Transportation Master Plan targets for the year 2031 call for a 20% reduction in daily auto km travelled (from 4.8M per day (2001) to 3.8M per day in 2031), combined with an increase in transit trips to 80 trips per person per year. This would see transit providing 12% of all of the trips being made.

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