Comment 97890

By Noted (anonymous) | Posted February 24, 2014 at 22:55:59 in reply to Comment 97889

After the second try, Stoney Creek lawyer, and long-time Liberal member Ivan Luksic was unanimously chosen to be the Hamilton East-Stoney Creek provincial candidate for the next election....

This is the first time Luksic, 37, has been a provincial Liberal candidate. In 2007 he lost a provincial nomination fight for Hamilton East-Stoney Creek to Nerene Virgin. Miller won the riding back to the NDP in 2007 that had been previously held by Jennifer Mossop.

Luksic also lost the federal nomination in the same year to former Hamilto nmayor Larry Di Ianni. In 2009, Luksic won the Niagara West-Glanbrook federal Liberal nomination, but bowed out a few months later for personal reasons.
This time, Luksic, an employment and labour lawyer, is in the political fight for the long haul.

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