Comment 97859

By randomguy (anonymous) | Posted February 24, 2014 at 11:42:04

"Many of our residents (particularly younger people) commute daily to Toronto: What does an LRT do to alleviate their daily commute?"

This quote from a terrible article overall, is the one that bugs be the most. Do they source their number? No, they just say many even though as Ryan has pointed out, the numbers commuting to Toronto are not in fact many. Will far more Hamiltonians use the LRT every day than a few more GO train trips. Yes. Plus should we be encouraging more long distance commuting? Research has shown that long distance commuting makes you miserable.

To me this just screams as a way for the Liberals to weasel out of their pledge to fund LRT. See the city doesn't want it! What the citizens of Hamilton have to realize is that Metrolinx has been and is going to fund projects using money that should proportionately belong to Hamilton. The province (i.e. Liberals and the provincial bureaucrats based in Toronto) would love to give that money to the City of Toronto for whatever new projects come down the pipe.

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