Comment 97821

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted February 21, 2014 at 22:21:59

Justin wrote:

"Bixi declared bankruptcy this year, and that the company leaves behind a legacy of debt that Montreal's residents are on the hook for"

Kevin's comment:

General Motors of Canada went bankrupt and was bailed out by Ontario taxpayers and the federal government at a cost of $10.8 billion, with another $2.9 billion going to Chrysler. That resulted in a significant increase in Canada's National Debt and Ontario's Provincial Debt. That's a legacy of debt that you and I are on the hook for and will probably be paying for the rest of our lives.

The day that Ottawa and Queen's Park spend $13.7 billion on bicycle manufacturers has not yet come.


Comment edited by KevinLove on 2014-02-21 22:27:02

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