Comment 97724

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted February 19, 2014 at 21:25:57

There is something to be said about accountability on this one. The Liberals have been through spending scandal after spending scandal and have always raised taxes to pay for them.

Now the NDP are saying enough. Even if the Liberal big move talk is genuine (which I have my doubts given it magically became a Liberal party concern and immediate need only after Wynne got into power) I can't see any party having faith in them to implement it. It's a Ornge, Gas Plant, Slush Fund, Health Premium, HST, Eco-Fee heck take your pick which Liberal scandal, waiting to happen.

Sure, Horwath is playing into her base a bit, but I see no reason why Wynne can't raise the corporate tax or upper class income tax rates to pay for it as opposed to further targeting the middle class, as the Libs have been doing for the last few years. Especially considering how much income inequality is going on in Ontario.

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2014-02-19 21:27:49

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