Comment 96617

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted January 09, 2014 at 22:10:17 in reply to Comment 96605

It does not follow that residents would have to give up their parking. There are many streets here in Westdale that bear parking on one or both sides of the street and are narrower than streets in Durand and Kirkendall.

My street in Westdale is narrower than Charlton, for example. We have two-way traffic and parking on one side and snow on both sides and it works just fine. It astonishes me that people think that these streets with little houses must be one way lest there be accidents and chaos.

Yes, you have to slow down if someone's coming in the other direction. Which is good. Frankly, too many people drive too quickly on these streets.

Tangentially, I do get a kick of driving around here in August and September, seeing the look of panic on the faces of parents from the vast and twisty suburban tracts as I drive toward them at a reckles 30 km/h and then pass them with only a whisker-thin margin of one-and-a-half feet separating their minivan from my truck.

Comment edited by moylek on 2014-01-09 22:29:13

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