Comment 96027

By Mark-AlanWhittle (registered) - website | Posted December 16, 2013 at 08:23:29

It will be interesting to see how many people pay and sign up. This will tell the tale. Look at car-share, another non-profit charity. It has a small number of cars, which don't get used very much, one was seen at the line 9 protest. I hope this bike rental system works as promised for the seasonal service they will deploy, with help from the city. Personally, I will never use it as I just bought a new car, and can afford that convenience in my retirement years. Owning a car is not evil. I have no problem sharing the road with any other users, it's just that I don't encounter too many bicycle riders in the dead of winter. In good weather this bike rental program might do well, as we have thousands and thousands of students who may want to use them, instead of buying their own bikes. Plus I'm sure all the readers here on RTH will join and use them too, even if they already own bicycles and are free to use them whenever they want, all year long.

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