Comment 95858

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted December 12, 2013 at 11:19:24 in reply to Comment 95857

I believe designation triggers stricter rules on minimum property standards and sealing the buildings to the elements - but I have not researched the particulars so I could be wrong.

I think that the best outcome for citizens would be for WB to sell those buildings to people who will actually restore them. WB can then court a developer to build a complimentary project on the remainder of the block, with facings on main and james as well as an entrance to the gore via the narrow strip created when blanchard tore that other building down.

WB bought those buildings and had them tenanted to cover carrying costs. They invested minimal capital into maintenance. If they sell them at original cost plus a modest % ROI they will still be ahead of the game, and when the next owner restores and fills the buildings with tenants, all of the surrounding WB land will be worth even more.

My biggest fear is that they will remove facades, store them, and glue them onto a glass box.

The gore deserves an intact streetwall, and modern taller buildings can be built on existing vacant lots. There is absolutely no reason to destroy the character of gore park by demolition or facadism.

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