Comment 95814

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted December 11, 2013 at 19:57:35 in reply to Comment 95812

Haha... the 120 million that doesn't exist you mean. The wish inside Blanchard's head. The development that Blanchard refers to like this: "We don't have a real solid plan there" (direct quote)?

Maybe santy clauz will bring that 120 million dollar lie down your chimney for you if you're a good boy this year.

This is the very definition of parasitic speculation. He'll keep his carrying costs low (through demolition if necessary) while waiting for, say, the connaught to be developed, so that (in 10 years? 20?) he can sell his 120 million dollar dream to an actual developer.

In the meantime the whole city gets to suffer. Ahh, but that's the cost of fair market economics I guess? 30 years of keeping the core depressed so that he can amass properties and take a few million home for retirement. Nothing wrong with that!

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