Comment 95752

By boyd (anonymous) | Posted December 09, 2013 at 16:43:12

This may seem overly simple, or poorly thought out..
However, could the city vote to adjust taxes on lands that sit empty longer than six months; more so at a very high rate to encourage useful construction (commercial/residential) on a site like this that a structure has been torn down? Further more.. To encourage growth on our many parking lots.. Could the percentage of tax not be adjusted once again to levels that would maybe encourage current owners to sell their property to someone who would like to potentially build on one of these many empty lots? i.e. corner of main and bay where it's quoted that the owner is going to sit a while longer to see what happens in the upcoming years with the new development that is currently taking place..
Personally thinking.. having all the empty lots, and now this new one, along with this preposterous and hurtful idea in the Gore, is seriously damaging Hamilton.. It's sickening really.. I'm glad to see both of you, Nicholas and Ryan have written the essays you have, and I hope the two of you and many more become a thorn in the side of these destructive individuals and council as well.. I see nothing in these decisions that have taken the time to give back to the neighbourhoods being destroyed, further more showing actions of pride in what is supposed to be their city too...

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