Comment 95469

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted December 03, 2013 at 15:22:02

Spot on.

The only point missing is the extreme cost of providing our current lane-kilometer:taxpayer ratio. We have way too much pavement for not enough taxpayers and we simply cannot afford it. We need to attract more people and reduce our infrastructure expenditures, and this means we need to build our streets to encourage movement by far more efficient means than single occupancy vehicle. That means more bike, pedestrian and transit amenities. We also need to foster a land use arrangement that has lots of people living close together with amenities that can be reached without a car. This means livable streets.

The only other economic alternative is raising taxes. By supporting one ways, single occupancy vehicle reliance and overbuilt unsafe streets, you (Mr Ferguson) are choosing higher taxes. It is the ONLY way we will pay to stay on this trajectory, and (with a deficit over a billion and counting) I think most of your constituents would agree that the taxpayer can no longer afford to support the current system.

Comment edited by seancb on 2013-12-03 15:33:09

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