Comment 95406

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted December 02, 2013 at 09:03:52 in reply to Comment 95396

As for the GPS, I think that the data will be very valuable if the city is smart enough to build some flexibility into the cycling master plan so that we can build according to riders' chosen routes rather than build to force them to use the city's arbitrarily chosen routes. Here is a "sneak peak" at their app visualization: map vis

When it comes to privacy, this is something that can and should be handled contractually - perhaps a note sent to council to remind them about this consideration is all it will take to get it on the table. THe GPS data should be used anonymously. In the end, there's a certain cost to individual privacy in everything that one does, and it's up to each individual to weigh that cost against the benefit of the activity.

As far as service to low income users, I'm not sure what your argument is... we have built a transportation system that SEVERELY favours car drivers over all other modes. What we have right now is terrible for the poor - it couldn't get much worse if we tried. A bike share (est. $100/year) is orders of magnitude cheaper than the cheapest car, and still cheaper than buying and maintaining a privately owned comparable bike. It's cheaper than some pairs of shoes.

I'm sure there will still be lots of people for whom a bikeshare membership is out of reach, however the SoBi system will be a catalyst for a modal shift in this town, meaning faster implementation of bike networks and complete streets for all users - including those who can't afford SoBi and must walk - or who ride their co-op bicycle.

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