Comment 95270

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted November 28, 2013 at 19:33:41

Why not sensationalize this event such as Ryan did When he stated that Hamilton's fast dangerous streets are killing seniors and children? Why not title the post something like Two way streets and bump outs are killing seniors and children?

I suppose the simple answer is because it's not true. My point isn't that speed isn't dangerous. I'm not trying to suggest that fast streets are good or safe. My point is that how RTH uses events to push it's own agenda is nauseating. When someone is killed on a one way street, it's the one way streets fault. When someone is killed on a two way street, well it's anything but the two way streets fault. I wish RTH would look at facts for facts and present them in a fair way without trying to capitalize on every death to push an agenda.

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