Comment 95201

By FastMan (anonymous) | Posted November 27, 2013 at 17:18:14

I hope those who are new to Hamilton and reading this blog do not get the false impression that Locke Street had a seismic shift into what it is today. If you read some history into Locke Street, it has always had a firm root in defining Hamilton:
For me, the bigger story is Ottawa Street. How a once thriving textile corridor that saw visitors from as far as Buffalo come to grab high quality fabrics right in the heart of Hamilton's industrial core become obliterated with the rapid loss of manufacturing and the globalization of the textile industries to be what it is today is a true testament of Hamilton grit.
Locke has always had the "privilege" of its Kirkendall residents to ensure its sustainability. Ottawa Street, I would argue, not as much so... With grit, grass root investments and a growing engaged citizenry, Hamilton East around the Ottawa Street corridor and Gage Park is showing a true picture of Hamilton revitalization.
Not to take away from the author, but once you have spent your Saturday on Locke, go to Ottawa St on Sunday to get a feel for all sides of Hamilton's urban renewal.

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