Comment 95114

By fault (anonymous) | Posted November 23, 2013 at 05:57:22 in reply to Comment 95081

guns are a loaded topic. instead think about someone who's negligence killed someone while operating a piece of heavy machinery. or a power tool. or left dangerous materials around. or electrocuted someone. or fell a tree on a passerby.

imagine any other scenario where someone's direct negligence lead to someone else being killed. how would we react to that? how would the courts react to that?

if a manufacturer builds a product with a design flaw and someone dies, do we shrug it off and say that its part of living in a modern society? if a car driver is killed by a car what happens? modern automobiles are remarkably safe considering just how many people walk away from horrendous high speed high energy collisions. pedestrians and cyclists are afforded no such protection it seems.


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