Comment 95021

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted November 20, 2013 at 09:18:22 in reply to Comment 95004

One last thing ... May I encourage you cultivate some clarity and see things as they really are, not worse than they are? Stop seeing Liberal Conspiracies everywhere. Every paranoid conspiracy you think you've seen here is a figment of your imagination - the Bike Store Lobby, the Liberal Agenda, the War on the Car, the comparison of Hamilton's LRT to the hilarious plot of a fictional cartoon town ... ridiculous.

Metrolinx was tasked with coming up with an awesome transportation plan that services huge numbers of people and catches up service to the 21st century. They put together a plan that covered millions of people, was comprehensive and modern. We neglected it for decades, and as a result the 400 highways have the worst congestion in North America. It will take a bit of effort to fix. Don't mistake expert inputs and citizen engagement as a "conspiracy" just because it is a little different from what you have become used to. Because nobody is about to take your car away from you. Just make alternatives better, that's all.

Over the past decades we were all taken advantage of by various agendas which gutted our city and quality of life. There is a lot of work to do to repair being years behind. It's a lot of work balancing the needs of such a diverse population. Congestion is going to get a lot worse if we do nothing.

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