Comment 94946

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted November 19, 2013 at 21:09:48 in reply to Comment 94870

Addendum: I just remembered - on that hair appointment? She parked on a side street because she didn't know/understand the left-side parking thing. Seriously, how much damage has been done by the fact that drivers might have been completely unware of the available parking? You hardly see any traffic parked on the left - it's reasonable to assume most patrons don't know they can park there. Think about how that looks to prospective customer - the old parking spot is gone, and they don't know about the new one, maybe they just keep driving?

That could be doing some real catastrophic damage to these businesses. I mean, even pulling over onto a side-street is hard there since half of them are wrong-way streets.

Even if the city does bump the bus-lane over into the 2nd lane, they'd have to put some big loud signage to let drivers know that folks can get into the next lane. Remember the confusion with the parking next to the bus-lane downtown? Go back to the 1st bus-lane thread and you'll see folks wondering what the heck is the deal with the 2 bus-lanes by Jackson Square.

Yeah, there's a bad information problem there. I'm thinking a big green-P parking symbol in the rightmost lane. I mean, we get those big


signs every time a new stop-sign or turning-lane changes in this city, a parking change deserves that kind of attention too since local businesses depend on those.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2013-11-19 21:10:55

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