Comment 94926

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted November 19, 2013 at 18:07:57 in reply to Comment 94923

King is a commercial street. You are so close to Cannon, why not take cannon to queen? King is free flowing from there.

I understand your frustration, as driving to Dundas is not terribly quick or straightforward - but that's what it's like living in a city. If we had proper LRT, you'd be able to walk 2 minutes to a stop downtown, and take a 12 minute LRT ride to Dundas. Our population is going to keep growing, and with every new person moving downtown, if we don't provide them with viable alternatives to driving, they are going to be one more car in your way every morning. You may not choose transit, but every person who does represents another car that's not in your way.

If the city implemented my idea of a turn signal for buses, we would see traffic flow equivalent to the way it was before the bike lane.

In fact, from Bay westward, the flow is already better than before since there's no more jam-up as cars come up the right lane and have to squeeze in when they reach the parked cars after Bay.

Comment edited by seancb on 2013-11-19 18:09:16

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