Comment 94905

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted November 19, 2013 at 17:21:56 in reply to Comment 94903

I agree completely that we need more good businesses and fewer ugly payday loan shops. It would be wonderful to see more high quality retail along King. There are many things that can work together to make it happen. As condos and hotels go up, more and more customers will not be driving. LRT, or at least buses without the herpes ads, may attract more to leave the car at home and take the bus to Gore Park. Where they can have supper and a beer without diesel blowing in their face. Which is the reason I avoid eating and shopping on King - because it is smelly and noisy, not because of parking or cycle lanes or anything such. If Gore Park had a nice european style patio restaurant I'd hang out after getting off the GO train. But all these things need to work together to make the street and shopping area a nice place to be. I don't have a magic answer for you - other than one that probably makes your issue worse - which is that the bus lane should be a Tram / LRT track - although the result would be a busier core and more customers :)

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2013-11-19 17:26:36

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