Comment 94899

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted November 19, 2013 at 16:41:19 in reply to Comment 94889

That the pilot lane was not optimally done is not in dispute. However, we will continue this race to the bottom together if this region grows and intensifies with no changes from what we've been doing. At some point, no matter what, it is going to become more painful to drive than an alternative, because we won't all fit on King Street with our cars. The extent to which alternatives are quick and pleasant can serve to decrease congestion for everyone.

Not only should buses be passing single occupant vehicle congestion - trains are already doing so on the Lakeshore line. Some people decide that driving is now too much of pain compared to taking GO or HSR, and switch. That person now has more money to spend on those businesses you speak of, and a car trip just ceased to exist, making more room for you. How do I know? Did it myself.

But you have to build a better system of alternatives. And in every city that has gone through this, over and over, like clockwork, drivers resist and outcry at the horrific austerity, but the city gets livelier and better after the changes and their benefits take effect.

pick up you Money Mart or hit up the bingo hall. Amirite??

These are exactly the kinds of stereotypes that are obsolete. I don't think the demographic of cyclists and bus riders are who you think they are. We're a diverse bunch; more professionals than you may realize.

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