Comment 94870

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted November 19, 2013 at 12:54:53 in reply to Comment 94867

My wife's stylist is one of the affected shops and mentioned it to her - it's the loss of the convenient street-side parking directly in front of their shops. Crossing King sucks, and the businesses along the South side generally had parking lots while the North side relied upon the meters. Now instead of pull-over-pay-meter-walk-three-steps to get into the shop, customers have to do the unnatural "park on the left side of the street, walk over to the pay booth, put ticket into car, then figure out how the heck to cross King".

This has seriously hurt the convenience factor for their customers.

In hindsight they should have skipped the South-side parking thing and just continued the Jackson Square approach to parking throughout King West - double-wide bus-lane with car-parking in the Northern-most lane, and cars allowed to cross the bus-lane to access the curb-lane.

Transit-lane should've been the second lane, not the curb lane. But then the city wouldn't have been able to shut down curbside parking at rush-hour. The horror.

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