Comment 94868

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted November 19, 2013 at 12:33:22 in reply to Comment 94867

Has anyone talked yet with the small business owners along King St. West with the "no more bus lane" and "bus lane = bankruptcy" signs in their windows?

Have you? I'd like to hear what their actual concerns are. Have they expressed them in more words somewhere? It's hard to fix a problem that they have failed to frame clearly. From what I have heard, walking along that stretch is a much more humane experience now. I don't see anyone throwing these business owners under the bus.

These signs are similar to the backlash about the Hunter Street bike lanes. What is the real issue? Is it parking?

This is why removal of parking a few weeks in seems pretty ridiculous. Whose concerns were being listened to when that tweak was made?

Why can't we keep the right curb parking AND the bus lane all the way to dundurn? Where is the traffic coming from to justify the widening of King from jackson square to the 403? Can't it be two travel lanes plus bus and parking through its entire length?

Terry Whitehead would never let that happen...

Comment edited by seancb on 2013-11-19 12:34:40

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