Comment 94635

By mikeyj (registered) | Posted November 11, 2013 at 14:02:45

It would be interesting to compare other Ontario municipalities interpretations of 'uncontrolled intersections' to at least see if our Legal Department's opinion is common among its immediate peers.

Some quick searching found nothing clearly stated, but there does seem to be similarity's in the way Zebra Crossing use is mandated…

Brampton's 2010 Pedestrian Safety Plan and the interpretation seems similar to Hamilton's:

*"The Highway Traffic Act gives the right-of-way to pedestrians in the presence of and adherence to the following traffic control devices:

Pedestrian crossover Traffic Control Signals Mid-block Pedestrian Signal School Crossing Guard Stop sign controlled intersection"*

Unsigned intersections are not included, and later...

*"The following guidelines will be used to determine appropriate locations for Zebra Crosswalks in Brampton:

The crossing location must be controlled by a traffic signal or stop sign Where pedestrian crossing volumes are high In the presence of high right or left turn vehicle volumes Where there is a higher than expected number of pedestrian collisions

Zebra Striped Crosswalks will not be installed at locations without a traffic control device or at mid-block school crossings."*

Toronto seems to phrase their 2006 Zebra crossing literature similarly:

"The purpose of the zebra striped pedestrian crossing is to make the pedestrian crossing area more visible to drivers approaching a signalized intersection, and to remind them that they must watch for and yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk."

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