Comment 94565

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted November 08, 2013 at 17:53:27 in reply to Comment 94549

Using the rail trail is almost like true trail mountain biking, yes. I use that trail on occasion, mainly the Chedoke trail as my mountain access at the moment. It is so gorgeous and pleasant compared to getting murdered trying to use W5 or Garth. My personal risk assessment would rather take a branch across the face than be pushed off the road by some psychopathic asshat :) But, I thought it would be wonderful to pave the whole trail as a true, maintained, cycle/ped mountain access. You need a good light, in winter season especially. I'm torn - the commuting me would love to see the whole trail paved and well maintained. On the other hand, I love wilderness and we have precious few forested green spaces inside the city. RHVP destroyed and badly mutilated what used to be a nice chunk of it. The me that is fond of green spaces would love to see the authentic Bruce trail environment preserved, with some unpaved trail and natural growth left alone. So I put decent tires on the mountain bike, a bright light with lithium batteries so they don't weaken in freezing temperatures, and consider it a wilderness segment of the route. Also the air quality - I'm breathing deeply on those sections, enjoying it before I get into the tailpipes blowing in my face. But, given the number of people that use it - yes - maintenance for the good of the many trumps my personal preference :)

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