Comment 94099

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted November 01, 2013 at 13:14:26 in reply to Comment 94094

Google maps gives the cycling time from King and James to King and Dundurn as 1.7km and 5 minutes.

Taking Cannon and York, and then down Dundurn (the simplest route using Cannon) takes 2.8km and 12 minutes, almost two and half times longer in time.

Turning off at Queen and taking Napier through Victoria Park still takes 2.5km and 12 minutes:

I would say that a route that is 1.5 times as long in distance and 2.5 times as long in time is not a viable alternative, at least if you consider cyclists time to be as important as drivers. Would we ask drivers to take an alternative route that takes more than twice as long so a road can be dedicated to cyclists and pedestrians?

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2013-11-01 13:16:40

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