Comment 93375

By Simon (registered) - website | Posted October 17, 2013 at 17:11:11

Another major failing of the ARC process is that is pits schools against each other in a fight to the death. If the board says your school is slated for closure - your ARC members fight tooth and nail to save it. If your school is slated to stay open, you gang up with the other ARC members that are also not slated to close and out vote the minority to close down anyone but yourself.

It is nasty and it doesn't have to be like that - every school is important to every community.

On that note - we are reaching out to all members of all the elementary ARC processes underway right now: Central Mountain ARC, East Hamilton City ARC, West Flamborough ARC, West Glanbrook ARC.

We need to organize to share notes, strategy and put a stop to this charade of public consultation right now.

Thinking long term, there is an election next fall and an organized response is needed field new candidates and defeat every trustee that does not value community schools.

Please join us for now at

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