Comment 93149

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted October 11, 2013 at 15:57:43 in reply to Comment 93144

There will always be employers who will pay minimum wage at a location that is not amenable to transit. Until the province or the federal government institutes a separate minimum-wage for car-only locations, this problem is not going away. While the city could further-subsidize this one Centennial North location with more after-hours transit, there's always going to be another Wal-Mart on the edge of the transit map. I don't know where the line needs to be drawn, but it will end up getting drawn somewhere. How few riders before the city says "we could serve other people better with this money"?

Ultimately, the best option for Loretta's daughter would be to find another employer who is located on a proper bus-route. Hopefully her experience with Wal-Mart will give her enough to put on her resume to get a retail job at a better location. Obviously that's not really a solution and is kind of disappointing advice, but I don't see a better option for her or the city. I'd like to imagine a perfect free-market world where these remote stores notice they have trouble retaining staff who can't afford to get to work on the pathetic pay and this leads to better locations or better wages... but yeah, real life doesn't really match the theory.

But yes, the situation sucks and I feel very bad for the young woman and her ordeal. Nobody deserves to go through crap like that. I hope she gets this sorted out and finds a good outcome.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2013-10-11 16:03:05

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