Comment 92898

By AnjoMan (registered) | Posted October 03, 2013 at 15:44:03 in reply to Comment 92896

Actually the pictures are pretty clear.

The first one shows how for an entire supermarket, the bike rack can fit only 3 bikes comfortably - compared to this Loblaws in Toronto it's pretty pathetic.

The second one shows that although there is a huge bike rack, its not very well used because it actually only has a few where you could conceivable lock your bike frame to it. Locking your wheel is kind of pointless because anyone with a wrench can have it off in 30 seconds.

Besides all that, anyone who reads RTH will know that almost every article that has to do with transportation and streets design includes a picture of a Hamilton street, and wherever you see a current picture of a Hamilton Street you know it is an example of a street where bike parking infrastructure isn't that great because it isn't that great.

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