Comment 92870

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted October 02, 2013 at 15:05:48 in reply to Comment 92865

I'm glad to hear that some people walked, and that, perhaps at least one person took HSR. I would have asked people how they arrived if I had been given the chance.

There were no other bikes parked and the parking lot was full of cars. It is not hyperbole to note that at a meeting dedicated to transit the vast majority drove by themselves in cars (and I was outside for quite a while so I had plenty of time to see how most of the guests left).

If anyone reading this did take HSR to the meeting, or knows definitely others who did, I'd be interested to know. Given the number of cars compared to the number of guests, it is absolutely clear that the vast majority drove.

This doesn't make those who drove hypocrites (I might have chosen to drive, depending on my schedule and the weather), but it does show that Hamilton has a long way to go to make HSR attractive to those who can afford to drive (e.g. those who can afford $107 for a dinner and discussion).

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2013-10-02 15:06:46

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