Comment 92853

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted October 02, 2013 at 11:26:22 in reply to Comment 92852

Another simple improvement would be to AT LEAST put route numbers and frequency on each bus stop (most now simply say HSR) and preferably also put a printed schedule and route map with stops.

The current set up seems to assume every transit user is an expert who knows where the routes run and what the frequency of service is.

A few years ago I wanted to get back down from the mountain in an unfamiliar neighbourhood. I walked to the nearest bus stop (with no route number or schedule) and just hoped the bus would come soon and that I would be able to transfer to a bus going downtown (no, I didn't have a cell phone). In the end I had to wait over 20 minutes and then ask the bus driver where he was going.

Adding route numbers and service frequency to the bus stops would not be difficult or expensive, but would make the system much more usable for non-experts. In many cities each bus stop includes all route maps for lines serving that stop together with their schedules, and the busier stops include a full network map and real-time information about when the next bus is arriving.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2013-10-02 11:27:41

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