Comment 926

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted September 14, 2006 at 16:12:36

Well... 'yes' and 'no'. For myself I would have chosen to disregarded the Dalton Timmis employees comments because they have no basis for a discussion. They are so blantently ignorant.
The employee states that, "the people in the Meadowlands are much more civilized than the vagrants and pregnant 15 year olds that hang out every day by the Tim Hortons" I don't think a fiesty response to a comment like that is unwarranted (or unexpected). And it certainly doesn't suggest that RTH readers are intolerant of anyone who doesn't share our view of urban life (as you imply).

I agree that a discussion like this does not go anywhere, but only in so far as it is hard - if not impossible? - to enlighten hardened attitutes such as this. Personally I'd prefer to engage in a discussion with someone who has an open and inquisitive mind. Hard-assed ignorance is a hard nut to crack.



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