Comment 92442

By tenni (anonymous) | Posted September 22, 2013 at 08:15:27

Sorry, but I find all the bands, people setting up trinket pop up and low quality art on the sidewalks unappealing. As a person involved in the beginning of the art crawl it has gotten too carnival like and distracting to the original purpose. I've been in galleries during art crawl when some poor quality band has amplified their sound to the point that you can not hear an artist in the galleries talk. Some street squatters are simply rude and attention seekers. Others, like the man who sings opera add a great deal to the ambience and he doesn't need amplification. He has skill and talent. I know that my view will be found offensive to some but this is my view and I was there at the beginning. I'm still visiting.

I don't know if it is wise for the city to get too involved but some things are not working as they should in the present anarchistic format.

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