Comment 92364

By DanJelly (registered) | Posted September 20, 2013 at 10:43:02

Hi Robert,

First, let me say I really enjoy your band. My brother Matt, and I have been vendors at Makers' Market all summer and your music has been a great addition to the event.

My feeling, having attended crawls as both a crawler and as a Makers' Market vendor, this motion from Jason Farr is something many crawlers have been talking about. As I understand it this has at least some support among the shop owners(although I would not presume to speak for any of them). I think this is a very organic next step, and one that unfortunately will require some official involvement from the City.

What I hope is that this will simply become a matter of closing the street and allowing a more free, safe and natural flow of people as they move along James North during the summer crawls. I think the general consensus is that there shouldn't suddenly be big tents, stages and other formal additions to the crawls because of the street closure. I think it's just been recognized that the event is attracting enough people that it could benefit from a little more space.

I love it when James North is closed to traffic, whether it's for Supercrawl, or for the Open Streets events that have been held once or twice a year for the past several years. It creates a more laid-back mood when people can just walk wherever they wish.

One caveat: I think that Councillor Farr's motion should include the block north of Barton -- James should be closed between Wilson and Murray. There are galleries and restaurants on that stretch that sometimes get forgotten. I understand there are traffic flow issues with the Bay Street bridge closure, but we have until next May or June to sort that out (assuming the bridge isn't finished by then).

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