Comment 92123

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted September 13, 2013 at 09:32:27

Anybody else listen to the CBC thing about Hamilton and Pittsburgh last night? They had Pittsburgh's former mayor Tom Murphy, who is considered the architect of city's revitalization. He raised taxes and cut services to fix their deficit and free up the budget for projects and reclaiming the waterfront.

When asked about Hamilton's budget woes after the discussion of his sales-tax hike, he in return asked what was Hamilton's total budget. When he was told the number (I couldn't hear it) you can practically hear his eyes bulge over the radio. Then he says something to the effect of "I'm betting you can fee up a few million in there. There are almost certainly some things that you think are essential services that aren't". Considering Pittsburgh's path to success, I don't think he was talking about bike lanes.

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