Comment 91946

By Kyle T (anonymous) | Posted September 10, 2013 at 12:38:35

As a resident directly impacted by the redirected traffic, I can attest that the traffic routed through my neighbourhood is a nuisance, but it can by no measure be considered “high volume”. Much of the redirected traffic is moving just fine on side streets with multiple stop signs. The south-bound traffic is also moving just fine on the single lane to which it has been reduced. The east-bound traffic has also seen little-to-no backup despite being funneled to a single lane (the detour to south-bound Kenilworth and subsequent return to King).

There are absolutely no indications that King Street requires any special traffic considerations like an overpass.

I am extremely disturbed by the following statement.

"Given that this is a partial replacement of the structure ( Deck and Pier only), and given that it needed to be done in relatively short time frame due to condition and traffic requirements, it is the more financially feasible scenario."

The disturbing part is the implied “short-term” with respect to “financially feasible”. There is absolutely no way that, long-term, the continued maintenance of the overpass is the “more financially feasible scenario”. It is absolutely irresponsible that the long-term financial repercussions are not duly considered.

The other disturbing point made is the following.

"we already had the higher level of safety and service provided by the King/Kenilworth Grade separation "

Does the “safety” consider the “Speed Kills” sign that has been in place on the rail bridge for as long as I can remember? Does it consider the nearly weekly police speed trap set up at Normandy and Kenilworth? Does it consider that neither King and Kenilworth nor the first intersections east and west of Kenilworth have safe crosswalks? With the overpass, there is nothing slowing cars down at this intersection. Pedestrians are expected to make a mad dash across King Street, sometimes having to pause on a thin strip of median.

No. Long-term financial feasibility was never a consideration, nor was safety.

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