Comment 91774

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted September 05, 2013 at 20:37:03

Congrats indeed. I honestly didn't expect this would happen.

For those who were at the meeting: I know there was some talk of stopping the lanes at Bay Street - did this ever get decided? Has council committed at going all the way to Queen? Or even past Queen to where Cannon becomes York to Dundurn? Because a bike-lane that ends at Bay would be unfortunate... I mean, without some way to head South on Bay (or a path across the now-defunct Sir John A to Caroline), you basically have a westbound dead-end. Some means to get from Bay to Napier (plus a cultivation of Napier/Head as east-west bike thoroughfares) would make this a coherent route across the city.

Further proof we need 2-way Bay.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2013-09-05 20:37:54

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