Comment 9170

By David (anonymous) | Posted July 19, 2007 at 02:27:45

Some very sobering charts in those links, which seem to indicate we are at peak or even slightly past peak. The prices do seem to reflect that. Yet there is suddenly an over-abundance of conflicting data that tries to suggest we should go ahead and buy that hemi-powered car after all. It's very hard to understand how reports about someing so finite can be so different, unless someone is seriously lying.

If siding with the charts, the question is where the equilibrium point occurs. Certainly as some point, the economic devastation would dramatically reduce consumption, and perhaps so much of the economy can't be erased without bringing the rest down. And what would society look like at that point, with all work incentives gone?

Yet contrast this agaist the Message in a Bottle, where people will buy bottles of Fiji water, requiring the bottles to be shipped in, and this water transported around the world. Activities such as this seem as such stark stupidity in the face of what lies just around the corner. As some us hunker down with the thought of a life of foraging for nuts and berries, the Chinamart consumption goes on as if it will so be for the next 100 years.

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