Comment 91400

By AnjoMan (registered) | Posted August 26, 2013 at 15:27:55 in reply to Comment 91316

I disagree about the time-limit. If the officers have to actually do something to make the video files available for use by their superiors or any investigation, there is always the potential for files to be deleted or not transferred. It has to be seamlessly designed so that any instance where a video cannot be recovered is well outside of the protocol.

One big concern with cameras is when do you record? For example, if I were an officer I would want the camera any time I interacted with the public, so that I could prove my conduct if it were ever questioned (e.g. no civilian could accuse me of being belligerent when I ticketed them if there was video evidence to the contrary). However, I would not want every single thing I said on the job recorded, because even small talk between co-workers could put officers in compromising positions (e.g. what if you make fun of your boss to a coworker and they see the video).

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