Comment 91362

By Hamilton Resident (anonymous) | Posted August 25, 2013 at 17:15:44

This is a dumb idea. Have you factored cops having to make snap decisions of going in-camera to deal with covert operations?

Human accountability is the problem here. And that needs to be fixed, and not layered by more technology fixes.

What next? Should all journalists and field reporters be strutting around with cameras strapped to their foreheads or chests? NYT's infamous journalism was a preamble to a country being bombed without cause. Many journalists spin and lie on a daily basis, while the lazy public cheer them on, a fact verified by scores of media oversight groups worldwide. So will strapping camera's to all journalist be the next leap in human ingenuity?

How long are we going to stick our heads in the sand? Let us find ways to fix the broken human mind and not find ways to amuse ourselves with more reality TV. It is the disingenuous human mind that is destroying other humans and also our planet.

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