Comment 91219

By Susan B (anonymous) | Posted August 22, 2013 at 11:15:37

I sure wish someone would hold Nick Bontis and the YES side accountable for some of the things they have said throughout the debate.

When Nick Bontis said that the downtown casino would be a great benefit for the students of the city was he referring to the CAMH report that said casinos were especially harmful to youth? Was he referring to the fact that suicide attempts among youth problem gamblers are an order of magnitude higher than others?

When Nick Bontis said that the NO side would argue about the risks of a casino by making up some sad story about a poor person losing their money was he referring to the unanimous view shared by the city's health organizations about the devastating impact on the population's health?

When Nick Bontis said that the future of the city depends on economic investment, implying that there was none happening now, was he ignorant to the vast amount of development happening downtown right now? He wasn't referring to the net-negative economic impact that a casino has on a city if it doesn't become a tourist destination, was he?

When did it become OK for news outlets to print sales pitches verbatim without reporting the facts? Shame on The Hamilton Spectator. Shame on Nick Bontis for selling such inaccuracies.

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