Comment 91081

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted August 20, 2013 at 11:44:23 in reply to Comment 91054

Here's a question: who is the "pedestrians cross at herkimer" sign near the LCBO on dundurn speaking to exactly?

If a driver parks in the parallel parking spot across from the LCBO, are they supposed to walk up to Herkimer, cross at the light, and then walk back down to the LCBO? And then do the opposite carrying a 2-4 of beer back to their car? (Yellow Line)

Or are they allowed to cross from their car directly to the store and back?

In which case, is that sign only for pedestrians who didn't arrive to the immediate vicinity in a car?

And how far away from the LCBO do you have to park before you are considered a pedestrian rather than a driver?

Or is the sign aimed at those who don't own cars?

And what about the four completely legal (yet unmarked) crossings between the LCBO and Herkimer? (green lines)

Who is allowed to use those?

LCBO Madness

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