Comment 89944

By DBC (registered) | Posted July 04, 2013 at 18:46:54 in reply to Comment 89943

"We also need a better system to prevent all-day parking at street spots".

I agree. For some reason the Durand neighbourhood (in particular Herkimer St.) is somehow expected to serve as some sort of free parking zone for the employees of St. Joe's who don't want to pay to park on site at the hospital. The result is cars and trucks parked for entire 12 hour shifts in front of the neighbourhood homes. Once you are west of Bay parking is free all day everyday (disclaimer: you'll have to wait until 9 AM to park on the north side of Herkimer).

I recall our esteemed Mayor musing that the conversion of Herkimer to two-way traffic would eliminate curbside parking on one side of the street. "How would the residents feel about that" he asked. Well since you can't park on Herkimer from 2 AM to 7 AM, and almost all residents have on property parking; I'm betting the residents will be fine with that, your squelching, "oh god the sky is falling" minority will be employees of St. Joe's who, like so many others who work in the core, will have to (gasp!) PAY for their parking. There oughta be a law against that........paying for parking in the core of a top 10 Canadian metropolitan centre....we can't have that.

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