Comment 89908

By Sara (registered) | Posted July 03, 2013 at 22:46:03

Another option could be to turn Hunter into 2-way for bikes and cars. But that would mean no room for on-street parking at all.

A road diet as you suggest would actually make it easier to continue the proposed bike lane all the way on Hunter past the GO Station. When Bratina was Ward 2 Councillor he got staff to change the draft route to not have a bike lane in front of the GO station because he didn't want to lose any parking there.

But with so much short term parking in front of the GO Station, how would it work to just have one car travel lane? Wouldn't it be blocked multiple times an hour from cars trying to park? Would people adjust or would they blame the bike lane and create more animosity towards cyclists? From the pics of Kent Ave in Brooklyn, maybe parking is quicker next to bike lane because drivers can miss a bit without hitting the curb and re-adjust more easily?

Laurier Ave in Montreal has seen a similar road diet (now 1 lane car travel, 1 lane parking, 2-way bike lane, much wider sidewalks) and I'll take some pics this summer and post them here for comparison.

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