Comment 89641

By RobF (registered) | Posted June 20, 2013 at 11:04:07 in reply to Comment 89622

The traffic management plan for the North End includes many of these traffic calming features, so we will get to see them in action. I understand that bumpouts are planned for MacNab between Strachan and Burlington. If they work well it will be easier to convince the city to install them elsewhere.

Most days i turn off MacNab at Colbourne, so I don't have a strong opinion on the need for a stop-sign at Mulberry. As a cyclist, I find all-way stops preferable, where stop-signs exist, but that is really just an issue where cars are moving quickly and sight-lines are impacted by large parked cars. Many of the safety issues also can be ameliorated by increased awareness and respect from all road users ... it is safer all around when there is an expectation that pedestrians, cyclists, motorized vehicles will be present and need to co-exist.

Comment edited by RobF on 2013-06-20 11:06:57

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