Comment 89596

By Tim Versteeg (anonymous) | Posted June 18, 2013 at 18:10:12

As one of those who will potentially be most affected by this development (and I counted 44 windows, not 40 as reported... :) ), I'm afraid I am much less optimistic than the majority of your report on the meeting reads. Bear in mind that Mr. Vranich has owned this property since 2007 and for the majority of that time has let it deteriorate...we residents which have backed onto 220 have lived with vagrancy, vandalism, varmints and a fire on the site in that time! Of course we want to see it developed! But even during the last 6-9 months (which I can only assume is when the developer received his demolition notice), we have lived with excessive generator noise at night to keep the light pollution of his spotlights running (in some cases with enough light in our upstairs bedrooms to read by in the middle of the night.) This is no indication to me that Mr. Vranich has any intention of working with his neighbours, respecting them in any way, or in fact has any intention of actually building the structures indicated in his fancy horse and pony show last night.

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