Comment 88826

By viennacafe (registered) | Posted May 20, 2013 at 09:05:44

I care about what I eat and I care about how the food I eat was produced. Most eggs, today, are produced in factory farms. Hens spend their lives in tiny cages, their beaks are snapped off, and male chicks are disposed, alive, into grinding machines. It is a cruel system of farming.

We are supposed to live in a free country. We are supposed to live in a free market. Yet every time someone says "I want to eat ethically," small 'c' conservatives who tout their individualism as a virtue want to tell me what I can do on my own property and what I can and can't eat.

Everyone is welcome to do their own research. I have done mine. There are no records of anyone getting sick from eating the eggs produced by backyard hens. There is no problem in raising backyard hens with water contamination or waste. Cruelty when raising backyard hens is unacceptable. Contrast that with industrial farming where recalls are routine and illness and even death is not unheard of and where waste and soil and water contamination represent serious risks to the shared environment and human health ( And where cruelty is an accepted industrial practice.

Finally, industrial hens are fed a steady diet of genetically modified corn and who knows what else. Whereas backyard hens will eat grubs, grass, and kitchen scraps.

If I had kids and I cared about their health and well-being, I would want them to know how to raise their own reliably healthy food.

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