Comment 88786

By out west (anonymous) | Posted May 16, 2013 at 16:22:04 in reply to Comment 88744

hell, even in calgary they stop. i was shocked to be standing beside a four lane highway, not controlled access but much the same size as the linc to give perspective, waiting for a break in the traffic to cross, and cars began to slow down, in both directions, and come to a complete stop! they must have been a little annoyed with me as, coming from hamilton, i didnt expect such behaviour and didnt immediately cross. four lanes of 80km/h traffic stopped to wait for a pedestrian to cross. in clagary of all places.

i sincerely believe that, much like the building code, our streets must be designed to protect our most vulnerable users first and foremost. we do it with car passenger safety, household products, all kinds of situations.

can you imagine the outcry if someone every three months died, in our community alone, from unsafe strollers? or clothing? or stairs? things would change, quickly

maybe lawsuits are the answer.

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