Comment 88676

By LOL all over again (anonymous) | Posted May 12, 2013 at 22:31:40 in reply to Comment 88634

I did not dissect the stats and maybe I should have but just having that low a collision rate speaks highly about our road network. I find it hard to believe that our collision rate is that low and conversely high for vehicle vs pedestrian accidents. Possible I guess but highly unlikely in my mind. Should we aim for a zero collision rate? Absolutely. But we will never get there. Do you have any accident data for Swedish cities? Is their rate better than ours? You may think that our collision rate is unacceptable but many thousands of people are very happy with it, including me.

I see the one way network for what it is, a safe and efficient way to move traffic through the city. That is the main goal of the roads after all. I am a big fan of bike lanes and a lesser fan of some of the other ideas floated for change. But to change our roads to two way is a giant step backwards and doing a big disservice to the citizens of the city.

Please don't get the wrong impression I really do not get upset about being downvoted in fact I find it humurous and precictable. I think it speaks volumes about the character of the people on the site.

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