Comment 88629

By LOL all over again (anonymous) | Posted May 11, 2013 at 09:06:17

LRT is not bad in fact it is pretty neat. The problem is that it is incredibly expensive. The B line proposed in Hamilton will end up costing well over a billion dollars. Taxpayers have had enough. All the recent talk about how to fund all the grandiose plans has scared the bejeebers out of many citizens. Toronto may need LRT and/or subways to reduce traffic problems and commute times but Hamilton does not. Nobody wants another tax on gas, nobody wants another toll to use our roads, nobody wants another tax on parking and on and on it goes. There is only one pocket that can be tapped for all those billions to pay for this unnecessary transit and the owner of the pocket, the taxpayer has had enough and is saying NO.

That is what has sparked a barrage a letters to the editor against the building of an unneeded billion dollar project. Rightfully so.

Let the downvoting begin.

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